Cristin Lowe Law

Child Custody and Visitation In California

Child Custody in California

The California Child Custody Process

In California, child custody relates to the rights and responsibilities between parents for taking care of their minor children and is broken up into two types of custody, legal and physical. Child visitation refers to the plan for how parents share time with the children. Continue learning…

Child Custody: Where to Begin

Articles & Resources

Learn the details of child custody in California and prepare to protect your family. 

Legal Court Forms

Begin the California child custody and visitation process with these legal forms. 

Custody Statutes

California law. The technical, legalese filled rules governing child custody. 

Do Your Own Divorce

Start using the free guide for completing your divorce with help every step of the way.

Child Custody: What to Expect


Whether you are trying to establish your initial custody and visitation orders or trying to modify the current timeshare arrangement, this is one of the most personal and stressful issues facing parents. We can assist you with filing your paperwork, prepping you for mediation, and/or advocating on your behalf in the courtroom.

Child Custody: Prepare Yourself

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