Q: How do I change something after I have a Judgment?
A: A Judgment may be modified if there has been a change of circumstances that would justify that modification. Common post-judgment modifications include custody, visitation, and support. If one parent wishes to relocate to another state, this will require the parenting order in effect to change. If one party loses a job or gets a promotion, this may warrant a change in child and/or spousal support.
Q: Do I have to pay spousal support for the rest of my life?
A: For marriages lasting fewer than 10 years, the presumption is that spousal support should last approximately one-half the length of the marriage. For marriages over 10 years in length, there is no set limit on the amount of time spousal support must be paid. In general, terminating spousal support is on a case-by-case basis. While some people obligated to pay spousal support must do so for decades, others are successful in terminating support after paying for approximately the length of the marriage. It is a very rare situation where a payor of spousal support must do so for the rest of his or her life.